Raging Contagion

Raging Contagion

Raging Contagion

Music so good it will make you sick!

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Thumpers – Unkinder (A Tougher Love)

January 3, 2014

Sounds similar to: Swiss Lips, Black Light Dinner Party, HAERTS

Hi there, Whuzzerface here,


What better way to start the year afresh than with a killer tune that you absolutely have no idea what the lyrics are going for but you still can’t get the beat or melody out of your head. If that’s how you like it, then you are in luck my friend because this song is the doozie to get your head bobbing in true pigeon-esque fashion.

“Unkinder” is mostly focused on the amped up drums,  group singing, delayed buzzes, and bounteous “oooooooo’s” and “ah’s (you should check out their unplugged version of it). Actually, listening to this song really makes me ache for drum set…but that’s a sad story for another time. The heavy drums really seem to play on the UK bands name though, eh? I can only imagine that the topic of the song revolves around the obstacles a relationship goes through to build “A Tougher Love”.  But seriously, let me know what you think about this? I’m totally digging on it.


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